Linking Smaller Haskell Binaries
GHC LLVM LTO Experiments Scratch Notes
A little tool for visualizing ghc verbose timing
Initial hacking of GHC for GCC link-time optimization
Hacking around on an FV-1 based guitar pedal
Choosing a binary-to-text encoding
Almost inline ASM in haskell with foreign import prim
Announcing: unagi-bloomfilter
Announcing: Hashabler 1.0. Now even more hashy with SipHash
Translating some stateful bit-twiddling to haskell
Announcing hashabler: like hashable only more so
Benchmarking very fast things with criterion
Announcing unagi-chan
Thoughts on FIFO-ness
Announcing shapely-data v0.1
Writing a streaming twitter waterflow solution
A TypeFamilies Primer
Thinking about an economy of bit flips
Using GHC's RebindableSyntax for a dynamic state "Fauxnad"
dilly.js: a library for loops with delays in JavaScript
Making your zipper disappear with Zippo
simple-actors 0.4.0: a few interesting design bits
zippo: a lightweight lens-based, type-checked, heterogenous zipper
A Simulation of a Biological MIS Algorithm
Converting HTML5 canvas elements to images
Announcing yet another lens library
the Monoid instance for Ordering
Optimization fun: Minimum Edit Distance
shapely-data: a library for structuralizing Haskell data types
Categories that want to be Arrows
How the Haskell Prelude avoids overlapping instances in Show
Haskell state of the Lens, etc.
pez v0.1.0 released
simple-actors 0.1.0 released
A brief tutorial-introduction to 'fclabels' 1.0
Module 'chan-split' released
simple-actors: a simple Actor Model concurrency library
Magic Haskell code completions in Vim!
PEZ: the Potentially-Excellent Zipper library release
Synchronized Concurrent IO Actions
When is it okay to 'fail'?
New version of directory-tree on hackage
Do Applicative Functors generalize the S & K Combinators?
Working with Template Haskell in GHCi
A State Monad with dynamically-typed state
New version of 'thrist' package released
Designing a Module for Combinatory Logic in Haskell
Repairing NetbookInstaller's Chameleon Bootloader
17x17: some Simulated Annealing updates
The Gift of Inconsistency
17x17: A Simulated Annealing approach using thresholds
17x17: Further Thoughts & Some Pretty Pictures
Befunge-93 Interpreter on Hackage
Code Jam 2010: Incrementing a Binary Counter
17x17: Some Attempts at Doubly-Symmetrical Rotations
Lazy Arithmetic in Haskell
17x17: More about symmetry and a new rotation
17x17: Symmetric Single-Colorings and some Graph Theory
17x17: Some Thoughts on the Problem
17x17: Deterministic algorithm for single-coloring a grid
17x17: Brute Force Algorithm for an Optimal Rectangle-Free Subset
An alternative definition for Data.List.groupBy
The Definition of
A Befunge-93 Interpreter
DeBruijn Sequences pt.3 - The "Prefer Opposite" algorithm
Find a permutation given its Inversion Table
An "Adaptive" Move-to-Front Algorithm
The move-to-front (MTF) Transform
Polishing a Functional Pearl: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform
The State Monad: a tutorial for the confused?
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 2
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 1
Proposed modification to 'array' function in Data.Array
Some Haskell Boilerplate For Google CodeJam
List Grouping module released
Enumerating all n-integer Sets Which Sum to an Integer x
Fun with Lazy Arrays: the LZ77 Algorithm
Huffman Coding
Run-length Encoding
Partial Application and a simple Mastermind game
Gnome Sort
directory-tree module released
a DirectoryTree module and some examples
Why I love Hoogle
Initial tests of Tries: Follow Up
Some initial tests of Tries
Cycle Detection
Parallel List Comprehensions with a Monte Carlo example
The Total Recall combinator
Building a Tree from an Ordered List
Data.Map Conversion Functionality