Linking Smaller Haskell Binaries
Initial hacking of GHC for GCC link-time optimization
Benchmarking very fast things with criterion
the Monoid instance for Ordering
shapely-data: a library for structuralizing Haskell data types
Categories that want to be Arrows
Haskell state of the Lens, etc.
pez v0.1.0 released
simple-actors 0.1.0 released
A brief tutorial-introduction to 'fclabels' 1.0
simple-actors: a simple Actor Model concurrency library
Magic Haskell code completions in Vim!
PEZ: the Potentially-Excellent Zipper library release
Synchronized Concurrent IO Actions
When is it okay to 'fail'?
Do Applicative Functors generalize the S & K Combinators?
Working with Template Haskell in GHCi
A State Monad with dynamically-typed state
New version of 'thrist' package released
Designing a Module for Combinatory Logic in Haskell
The Gift of Inconsistency
17x17: A Simulated Annealing approach using thresholds
17x17: Further Thoughts & Some Pretty Pictures
Code Jam 2010: Incrementing a Binary Counter
Lazy Arithmetic in Haskell
17x17: Deterministic algorithm for single-coloring a grid
An alternative definition for Data.List.groupBy
A Befunge-93 Interpreter
DeBruijn Sequences pt.3 - The "Prefer Opposite" algorithm
Find a permutation given its Inversion Table
An "Adaptive" Move-to-Front Algorithm
The move-to-front (MTF) Transform
Polishing a Functional Pearl: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform
The State Monad: a tutorial for the confused?
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 2
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 1
Proposed modification to 'array' function in Data.Array
Some Haskell Boilerplate For Google CodeJam
Enumerating all n-integer Sets Which Sum to an Integer x
Fun with Lazy Arrays: the LZ77 Algorithm
Huffman Coding
Run-length Encoding
Partial Application and a simple Mastermind game
Gnome Sort
directory-tree module released
a DirectoryTree module and some examples
Why I love Hoogle
Initial tests of Tries: Follow Up
Some initial tests of Tries
Cycle Detection
Parallel List Comprehensions with a Monte Carlo example
The Total Recall combinator
Building a Tree from an Ordered List
Data.Map Conversion Functionality