simple-actors 0.1.0 released
A brief tutorial-introduction to 'fclabels' 1.0
Module 'chan-split' released
simple-actors: a simple Actor Model concurrency library
PEZ: the Potentially-Excellent Zipper library release
When is it okay to 'fail'?
New version of directory-tree on hackage
Do Applicative Functors generalize the S & K Combinators?
New version of 'thrist' package released
An alternative definition for Data.List.groupBy
The Definition of
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 2
Proposed modification to 'array' function in Data.Array
Fun with Lazy Arrays: the LZ77 Algorithm
Huffman Coding
directory-tree module released
a DirectoryTree module and some examples
Parallel List Comprehensions with a Monte Carlo example
Data.Map Conversion Functionality