Writing a streaming twitter waterflow solution
Optimization fun: Minimum Edit Distance
17x17: A Simulated Annealing approach using thresholds
Code Jam 2010: Incrementing a Binary Counter
17x17: More about symmetry and a new rotation
17x17: Some Thoughts on the Problem
17x17: Deterministic algorithm for single-coloring a grid
17x17: Brute Force Algorithm for an Optimal Rectangle-Free Subset
DeBruijn Sequences pt.3 - The "Prefer Opposite" algorithm
Find a permutation given its Inversion Table
An "Adaptive" Move-to-Front Algorithm
The move-to-front (MTF) Transform
Polishing a Functional Pearl: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 2
Cracking a Lock in Haskell with the De Bruijn sequence, pt. 1
Some Haskell Boilerplate For Google CodeJam
List Grouping module released
Enumerating all n-integer Sets Which Sum to an Integer x
Fun with Lazy Arrays: the LZ77 Algorithm
Huffman Coding
Run-length Encoding
Gnome Sort
Cycle Detection
Parallel List Comprehensions with a Monte Carlo example
Building a Tree from an Ordered List