zippo: a lightweight lens-based, type-checked, heterogenous zipper
Last updated: Dec 11, 2022
I finished this new zipper library which you can get with a
cabal install zippo
and fork it on github.
After working for a long time on pez, I wanted to try a zipper library that was also based on lenses, but where heterogenous move up operations would be type-checked, as would a move up past the “top” of the structure.
It looks as though instant-zipper is the only other zipper package that provides that kind of type safety.
Mini walk-through
The pieces that make up our zipper are
data Zipper st b = Zipper { hist :: st b , viewf :: b }
data (:>) st b c = Snoc (st b) (c -> b)
data Top a = Top
Which come together in types that might look like, e.g.
z :: Zipper (Top :> Tree a :> Tree a) a
for a zipper perhaps at the leaf element of a child node in some Tree a
Of course in most cases, no type annotations will be given.
Here are the zipper enter and leave operations:
zipper :: a -> Zipper Top a
zipper = Zipper Top
close :: (Hist st a b)=> Zipper st b -> a
close (Zipper st b) = runHist st b
The close
function was the only tricky part, and Daniel Wagner
me get this version with nice defaulting using type equality annotations from
the TypeFamilies
class Hist st a c where
runHist :: st c -> (c -> a)
instance a ~ b => Hist Top a b where
runHist _ = id
instance (Hist st a b) => Hist ((:>) st b) a c where
runHist (Snoc st' cb) = runHist st' . cb
We provide two functions to “move down” through a type, for partial lenses (used for multiconstructor types) and safe pure lenses:
move :: (Monad m)=> LensM m b c -> Zipper st b -> m (Zipper (st :> b) c)
move l (Zipper st a) =
liftM (uncurry $ Zipper . Snoc st . fmap runIdentity) (runLens l a)
moveP :: (b :-> c) -> Zipper st b -> Zipper (st :> b) c
moveP l = runIdentity . move l
And finally a move upward is just runs the stored continuation on the focus:
moveUp :: Zipper (st :> b) c -> Zipper st b
moveUp (Zipper (Snoc st cont) c) = Zipper st $ cont c