Using GHC's RebindableSyntax for a dynamic state "Fauxnad"
Last updated: Dec 17, 2022
I just learned about GHC’s RebindableSyntax
extension from
chrisdoner’s thread on reddit
and wanted to play around with scratching a couple itches I’ve had. In this
post I’ll illustrate using RebindableSyntax
to allow us to use haskell’s
notation in a State-monad-like construction, in which our state type is
allowed to change (I’ve played with this idea
The dynamic state construction looks like the traditional State
, but with
separate types for input and output state:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
newtype DynState s1 s2 a = DynState { runState :: s1 -> (a,s2) }
deriving Functor
get :: DynState s s s
get = DynState $ \s-> (s,s)
put :: s -> DynState x s ()
put = DynState . const . (,) ()
modify :: (s1 -> s2) -> DynState s1 s2 ()
modify = DynState . fmap ((,) ())
We can compose these by defining a (for the moment, very verbose) function
. Interestingly, this is actually easier to understand IMHO than
the State
monad because the type signature makes explicit the fact that our
lambda-bound state s1
is the initial state value that we run the
construction on:
infixl 1 `dynStateBind`
dynStateBind :: DynState s1 s2 a -> (a -> DynState s2 s3 b) -> DynState s1 s3 b
dynStateBind x f = DynState $ \s1-> let ~(a,s2) = runState x s1
in runState (f a) s2
We also need stand-ins for (>>)
and return
-- It would be nice if >> inherited default instances in terms of bind, as in
-- an instance declaration
infixl 1 `dynThen`
dynThen :: DynState s1 s2 a -> DynState s2 s3 b -> DynState s1 s3 b
dynThen x y = x `dynStateBind` \_ -> y
dynReturn :: a -> DynState s s a
dynReturn a = DynState $ \s-> (a,s)
So then we can use all the nonsense above as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
module Main
import Prelude -- since RebindableSyntax implies NoImplicitPrelude
import DynState
-- avoid lame "Not in scope: `ifThenElse'"
ifThenElse b x y | b = x
| otherwise = y
-- oops, infinite loop fail!
--ifThenElse b x y = if b then x else y
test :: DynState Int Int String
test = let (>>=) = dynStateBind
(>>) = dynThen
return = dynReturn
in do i <- get -- state :: Int
put (even i, show i) -- state :: (Bool, String)
(b,i_str) <- get
put (i+1) -- state :: Int
if b then return "uh oh, even!"
else return $ "pre-incremented: "++i_str
If we want to we can even enrich our bind and add some machinery to support
composing traditional StateT
computations with our dynamic state:
-- | a silly class to support comosing regular State monad computations with
-- dynamic state computations.
class Stateful n s1 s2 | n -> s1 s2 where
expand :: n a -> DynState s1 s2 a
instance Stateful (DynState s1 s2) s1 s2 where
expand = id
instance Stateful (M.StateT s Identity) s s where
expand = DynState . M.runState
-- category with bind sort of situation...
polyDynStateBind :: (Stateful x s1 s2, Stateful y s2 s3)=> x a -> (a -> y b) -> DynState s1 s3 b
polyDynStateBind x f = expand x `dynStateBind` fmap expand f
-- | convert a dynamic stateful computation into the usual State monad, so we
-- can compose it with normal state computations
flatten :: DynState s s a -> M.State s a
flatten = M.state . runState
At some point while working on zippo (you
should check out this
instead) I made up detailed notes on a DSL for zipper operations that I wished
I could shoe-horn into do
or Arrow
notation, but never quite could.
Lost the notes, but the idea would be to have bind expose the “focus” of the zipper and allow motions down and up to be sequenced nicely with minimal boilerplate, as in the state monad. Maybe I’ll find those and fill in this section properly.