Making your zipper disappear with Zippo
Publish date: Sep 17, 2012
Last updated: Dec 11, 2022
Last updated: Dec 11, 2022
I’ve finally had a chance to look at how my new lens-based, power-packed, minimal zipper library zippo looks when compiled, and initial results are pleasing!
For example, here is a silly zipper operation that increments the nodes of a sort-of tree:
module Main where
import Control.Category((>>>))
import Data.Lens.Zipper
import Data.Yall.Lens
data Tree a = Br { _lBranch :: NodeBr a
, _rBranch :: NodeBr a }
deriving Show
data NodeBr a = NodeBr { _node :: a }
deriving Show
lBranch = lens _lBranch (\(Br _ r) l-> Br l r)
rBranch = lens _rBranch (\(Br l _) r-> Br l r)
node = lens _node $ const NodeBr
-- example data:
t = Br (NodeBr 1 ) (NodeBr 3 )
-- zipper operations
incNode = moveP node >>> modf (+1) >>> moveUp
zops = zipper >>> moveP lBranch >>> incNode >>> moveUp >>>
moveP rBranch >>> incNode >>> close
main = print $ zops t
When compiled with
ghc --make -fforce-recomp -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -O2 SimpleExample.hs
this produces the following beautiful core:
zops =
\ w_s2uY ->
case w_s2uY of _ { Br ww_s2v0 ww1_s2v1 ->
(case ww_s2v0 of _ { NodeBr ds_d16N ->
plusInteger ds_d16N incNode2
(case ww1_s2v1 of _ { NodeBr ds_d16N ->
plusInteger ds_d16N incNode2
Alakazam! Some more complex examples also produced nice code with performance identical to the most straightforward equivalent definition.
The above gave me an opportunity to test a handful of rewrite rules which I’m excited about, but first I need to tie up some loose ends to get this useful:
- create some combinators that together with (
) form a nice DSL for zipper operations, including nice support for partial lens “Alternative-like” statements - get the underlying lens library situation sorted out:
- look at some of Oleg’s zipper stuff for actual applications of zippers to guide development
Leave a note if you have questions or ideas for me.