Find a permutation given its Inversion Table
Publish date: Nov 15, 2009
Last updated: Jan 2, 2025
Last updated: Jan 2, 2025
Here is some code I whipped up in response to an interesting problem posted on It was a really interesting algorithm to work out:
import Data.List (sortBy)
-- takes an inversion list and converts it to the list of permuted
-- elements:
decode = dec [] . sortBy lowHi . zip [1..] where
dec as [] = as
dec as ((a,_):is) = let is' = sortBy lowHi (decrementGT a is)
in dec (a:as) is'
-- decrement every inversion number by 1, for every tuple in which
-- the element is greater than `a`:
decrementGT a = map (\(a',i) -> (a', if a'>a then i-1 else i) )
-- we sort by the inversion number, low to high. For elements with
-- the same inversion number, we say that the greater element tuple
-- should go before a lesser element:
lowHi (a,i) (a',i')
| i == i' = if a>a' then LT else GT
| otherwise = compare i i'
It’s not the prettiest code I’ve written, but it’s pretty straight-forward and concise. Thanks for looking!