Building a Tree from an Ordered List
Publish date: Mar 31, 2009
Last updated: Jan 2, 2025
Last updated: Jan 2, 2025
A nice recursive algorithm for building a nearly-optimal binary search tree from an ordered list.:
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
| End
The algorithm divide
s the input list into sublists of increasing length:
1,2,4,8… The first element of each sublist is the “keystone” of a subtree
assembled with mkTree
. :
fromSorted :: [a] -> Tree a
fromSorted = foldl mkTree End . divide 1
where mkTree l (n:ns) = Node n l (fromSorted ns)
divide _ [] = []
divide c xs = take c xs : divide (c*2) (drop c xs)
Variations that used splitAt
instead of the separate take
and drop
no more efficient (perhaps because of
sharing?) nor was using the
strict foldl'
Anyone have a clever alternative to the divide function defined here? Or a different approach to the problem? Would love to hear it.